Constructing a Winning Landing Page

winning landing page

After establishing your target audience, locking down your goal, and gathering the information you want to present, it’s time to get down to creating an eye-catching and winning landing page. The primary goal of any landing page is a conversion. That conversion can be asking a potential client for their email, their phone number, or their subscription to your email list. The entire landing page should be constructed with this conversion goal in mind.

Have a Clean Design

Too many company webpages are cluttered and unorganized. Stacking every piece of analytics data on a webpage with a box to enter an email is more likely to scare a customer away than invite them in. Having eye-catching headlines and specific, key data points will entice your customers to execute your call to action. Utilizing a clean, uncluttered, and organized design will allow the relevant data to pop out to viewers and provide a much cleaner path to conversion.

Quality Content

Customers who come to your page want to know what you’re going to do for them and how they will benefit. Make sure it’s clear what value you’re providing to your leads. Use your sales data or previous customer testimonials about your services to showcase your company’s worth. Utilizing well-written copy and engaging text is essential to keep your viewer’s interest and get into the meat and potatoes of your offering. The most relevant information to your customers should be on your landing page and lead up to your goal, ensuring you gain a customer conversion. Your content should be easy to read and lead your customers to your call-to-action.

Utilize Videos and Photos

Infographics, gallery images, and short videos enable you to present more complex information to viewers in less time and with ease. Be sure not to dilute their worth and clutter the page. They should add to your landing page, not detract from it.

Your Call-to-Action

Your entire landing page leads to action. You’ve shown your customers the value you bring to the table and your track record. You want your call-to-action to be clear and digestible. Whether the form asks the customer to subscribe, sign up, or discover a new product, getting your customer to act is the goal. It’s easily measurable and gets your company the information you need to continue onto the next step in your marketing funnel.

Put It Into Practice

Now that you understand the strategy, put these tips into action! And if you need any help constructing a winning landing page, schedule a call with us for a free Q&A session!